A.C.A.G. / Forlì, Italy | Water pipeline, Vallata del Bidente City gas pipes, Castrocaro Terme |
A.C.A.M. / La Spezia, Italy | City gas pipes, Tellaro City gas pipes, Biassa |
A.M.A.G. / Padova, Italy | Sheet piling for waste incinerator |
AAMAIE / Sanremo, Italy | Roja river water pipeline |
ABB SAE SADELMI / Milano, Italy | CP systems in Algeria Equipment for cathodic protection system |
ABIBES / Cremona, Italy | GPL Storage tank farm |
ACEA / Rome, Italy | Transformer / Rectifier for cathodic protection systems |
ACEA PINEROLESE/ Pinerolo, Italy | Sauce Oulx aqueduct |
ACOSER / Bologna, Italy | Transformer / Rectifier for cathodic protection systems |
ACQUAPENDENTE CITY, Italy | City gas network |
AEM / A2A Milano, Italy | Gas plants, pipelines and city nertworks Transformer / Rectifier for cathodic protection systems |
AGESP / Busto Arsizio, Italy | City gas pipeline and networks |
AGIP RAFFINAZIONE / Venice, Italy | Revamping of existing refinery plants |
AL FAJIR int / Karachi, Pakistan | Equipment for cathodic protection system |
ALBILAD FIRE FIGHTING/ Saudi Arabia | Fire fighting water storage tanks |
ALPENBAU/ Bolzano, Italy | Snowmaking system in Sportinia Area |
ALSTOM FERROVIARIA SPA, Italy | Underground metro line 5, Milano |
AMAG /Alessandria, Italy | City gas pipeline and networks |
AMOCO / Cremona, Italy | Piacenza to Cremona fuel oil pipeline |
ANSALDO ENERGIA / Genova, Italy | Equipment for cathodic protection system, Greece / Chile |
AQUACONSULT / Quarto, Italy | Water pipeline, Basso Savuto |
ARCOLA PETROLIFERA Spa/La Spezia, Italy | Fuel oil refinery La Spezia |
ASCAA / Parma, Italy | City water network Parma |
ASIS / Salerno, Italy | Water pipeline, Basso Sele |
ASM BRESSANONE / Bolzano, Italy | Gas pipeline, Bressanone |
ASTALDI SPA / Rome, Italy | Cathodic protection plant |
ASTER INTERNATIONAL / Milano, Italy | Industrial complexes, Sig & Kroub / Algeria |
AULLA CITY, Italy | City water network |
AZIENDA ENERGETICA/ Cremona, Italy | City gas pipeline |
BASF S.p.a. / Cesano Maderno, Italy | Sheet pilling |
BLUMAR / Rome, Italy | Ciampino airport fuel depot |
BONATTI / Parma, Italy | Fuel oil pipeline, Tres Bocas/Pascuales – Ecuador Fuel tanks farm, Trapani Birgi airport Fuel tanks farm, Monturpinu airport Fast loading aircraft, Decimomannu Fuel tanks farm, Ghedi airport City water and gas networks, Monteruscello Fuel pipeline, Elmas airport Gas power plant, Messina |
C A I E P / Rome, Italy | Pipes network, Banco di Roma Headquarter |
C U A I / Porto Marghera, Italy | Industrial water pipeline |
CAMUNA INSTALLAZIONI SPA / Italy | Penstock, Dietro La Torre |
CANONICA D’ADDA CITY, Italy | City gas network |
CAPRERA ISLAND / Italy | Subsea water pipeline Arzachena Wharf |
CARLO GAVAZZI IMPIANTI SpA / Milano, Italy | Cogeneration power plant, Servola Cogeneration power plant, Bando d’Argenta |
CASSA DEL MEZZOGIORNO / Naples, Italy | Wharf, Punta Cugno Sewage sea out flow, Torvaianica Sewage sea out flow, Ferro di Cavallo Sewage sea out flow, Anzio Sewage sea out flow, Nettuno Sewage sea out flow, S. Felice Circeo Sewage sea out flow, Elba Island |
CASTALDO COSTRUZIONI / Naples, Italy | Fresh water tank U.S. Navy, Capodichino Cathodic protection plant, U. S. Navy, Capodichino |
CISAGAS / Suzzara, Italy | Gas pipelines and networks |
CISTERNA DI LATINA CITY, Italy | City gas and water networks |
CITY GAS COMPANY / Egypt | Equipment for cathodic protection systems |
COGE / Parma, Italy | Water pipelin, Melandro |
COGLIATE CITY, Italy | City gas networks |
COIMEL / Milano, Italy | Fire fighting system, shopping center "Il Fiordaliso" |
COMPAGNIA ITALIANA STRADE / Torino, Italy | Water pipeline, Val Strona - Omegna |
CONSORZIO ACQUA PROVINCIA DI MILANO, Italy | Water networks in Milan province |
CONSORZIO ALCANTARA / Messina, Italy | Irrigation systems |
COOPERATIVA DI COSTRUZIONI / Modena, Italy | Railway Mestre-Castelfranco sheetpiling |
CORRPRO Comp. Far East Ltd / Hong Kong | Equipment for cathodic protection systems |
COSSATO CITY, Italy | City gas networks |
CP TECH / Singapore | Underground metro line |
DALMINE / Piombino, Italy | Equipment for cathodic protection systems |
DE NORA PERMELEC / Milan, Italy | Equipment for cathodic protection systems |
E N E L | Thermoelectric Power Plant, Porto Marghera Thermoelectric Power Plant, Sulcis Thermoelectric Power Plant, Carbonia Thermoelectric Power Plant, Santa Gilla Thermoelectric Power Plant, Fiumesanto Thermoelectric Power Plant, La Spezia |
ECIS GROUP/ Como, Italy | Gas pipeline - Qatar |
EDILNORD / Milano, Italy | Heating network Milano 2 Heating network Milano 3 Heating network "Il Girasole" |
EDISON GAS / Milan, Italy | Power Plant and sea lines, Maria a Mare, Adriatic sea Power Plantsea lines Santo Stefano Mare, Adriatic sea Alba Marina vessel Platforms Adriatic See (n° 20) |
EDISON SpA / EDISON STOCCAGGIO Spa / Milan, Italy | Gas pipeline Conegliano/Pederobba Gas pipeline Cirò Marina / Cariati Gas pipeline Pineto - Bussi Gas pipeline Cellino - Bussi Gas pipeline Bussi - Roccasecca 20" Gas pipeline Val d'Aso Power Plant Cellino Gas pipeline Apricena-Torremaggiore Gas pipeline Verdicchio Gas pipeline Larino Gas pipeline c/o cabina "MUSTO" Gas pipeline "Campobasso” Gas pipeline Larino-Campobasso Gas pipeline Montemarciano-Senigallia Gas pipeline Cavarzere-Minerbio Gas pipeline Candela (FG) Gas pipeline Altomonte Gas pipeline Torviscosa Gas pipeline Collalto-Pederobba Power Plant Simeri Crichi Power plant Candela (FG) Power plant - pipeline Ø 600mm – Candela Gas pipeline S. Potito-Cotignola Power Plant S. Potito Power Plant Marghera Levante Power Plant Marghera Azotati Power Plant Altomonte Eath exchanger Power plant Marghera Levante
EMERAT / Saudi Arabia | Equipment for cathodic protection systems |
EMIT –Ercole Marelli / Milano, Italy | Sewage treatment plants, Turkey |
ENDESA / Ostiglia, Italy | Gas Power Plant, Ostiglia |
ENERGIA PECEM / Forteleza, Brasil | Equipment for cathodic protection systems |
ENERIC / Bulagaria | Equipment for cathodic protection systems |
EP PRODUZIONE SPA, Itay | Gas Power Plant, Trapani Gas power plant Livorno Ferraris |
FARMITALIA / Milano, Italy | Factory water and gas network, Rodano |
FIMTEC / Naples | Fuel Storage tank, NATO base Naples |
FRANCO TOSI / Legnano, italy | Thermoelectric Power Plant, Azzawiya - Libya |
FRIULANA GAS / Campoformido, Italy | GPL tank farm Campoformido GPL tank farm Campodoro GPL tank farm Taglio di Po |
GALFAR ENG. CONTR. / Sultanate of Oman | Equipment for cathodic protection systems |
GARBOLI CONICONS/ Cuneo, Italy | City gas network, Alassio |
GASCO ENGINEERING / Karachi, Pakistan | Equipment for cathodic protection systems |
GASMET SUD / Casavatore, Italy | City gas network, Trebisacce City gas network , Corleto City gas network, Moliterno City gas network, Carinola |
GHIZZONI Spa / Parma, Italy | Equipment for cathodic protection systems |
GRAN GUIZZA SPA / Popoli, Italy | Factory water Pipeline |
HENKEL CHIMICA / Lomazzo, Italy | Factory water and gas network |
HUNDAY / South Korea | Fuel pipeline and tanks farm, Benghazi, Libya |
HYDRO ITALIA SERVICE / Narni, Italy | Various pipelines |
I C I P / Mantova, Italy | Oil storage tanks, Porto Marghera |
I.B.M. / Latina, Italy | Water and gas network, S. Palomba factory |
ICOGEM / Melegnano, Italy | Fuel oil depot, Aviano airport |
IDROGET / Agricento, Italy | City water networks |
IECI / Palermo, Italy | Sea wharf, Cagliari Elmas |
IFM – FERRARA, Italy | Pipes network |
ILVA LAMINATI PIANI / Taranto, Italy | Equipment for cathodic protection systems |
IMOSA TUBOACERO FABBRICAICON / Venezuela | Equipment for cathodic protection systems |
IMPRESA ARMANDO TORRI / Milano, iTALY | City water networks, Cesenatico City water networks, Cattolica |
IMPRESA PIZZAROTTI / Parma, Italy | Underground metro line, Torino |
INGG. GROSSI & SPEIER SPA/ Milano, Italy | Fire fighting shopping Center Carugate |
IPLOM / Busalla, Italy | Fuel Storage tanks Pipeline Genova - Busalla |
IRAQ OIL COMPANY | Basrah refinery |
ITALCEMENTI / Bergamo, Italy | Concrete Factory, Porto Empedocle |
ITALIAN MILITARY AIR FORCE | Airports fuel tank depots and pipelines Water pipelines |
ITALIAN MILITARY NAVY / La Spezia Base, Italy | POL depot, NATO base, LUNI POL gallery, NATO Base, Pianello di Marola |
ITALIAN NAVY | Fuel tank farms in Italy |
ITEL / Bari, Italy | Fuel tanks farm, Amendola |
JORDAN PETROLEUM / Jordan | Equipment for cathodic protection systems |
KME Spa / Lucca, Italy | Water pipeline |
KUWAIT OIL COMPANY / Kuwait | Equipment for cathodic protection systems |
LAVENO MOMBELLO CITY, Italy | City gas network |
MASCIONI / Cuvio, Italy | Industrial water system |
MAX STREICHER SPA, Parma, Italy | EPC – TAP On-Shore (OPLI) Pipeline 36” |
MEYERINK ITALIA SpA / Cagliari, Italy | Extend Hydrant Fuel Sys. NAS II Sigonella Military Airport, Pisa |
MILARANZA /Anzola Emilia, Italy | Factory tanks |
MONTEDIL / Ascoli Piceno, Italy | Production wells and pipelines, Garaguso |
N A T O, North Atlantic treaty Organization | P.O.L. Italy – Military airports fuel depots and connecting pipelines |
NAPOLETANA GAS / Naples, Italy | Equipment for cathodic protection systems |
NILE VALLEY GAS COMPANY / Egypt | Equipment for cathodic protection systems |
NUOVA CIMI MONTUBI / Vimodrone, Italy | City water networks, Trapani Fuel Storages and pipelines Tripoli - Libya Fuel Storages and pipelines Bengasi - Libya Fuel Storages and pipelines Tobruk - Libya Pipeline Bassora/Bagdad - Iraq Pipeline Bassora/Kirkuk - Iraq Water intake Arno river, Firenze Platforms 1 - 2 Ras Ghareb - Egypt Multyproduct pipe system – Nigeria Irrigation network Al Kebir Jarif – Libya City water networks - Libya Sewage sea out flow, Maratea Sewage sea out flow, Chiavari Sewage sea out flow, San Remo Sewage sea out flow ,Grado Lake crossing, Garda Lake Submarine Water pipeline, Naples-Ischia Submarine water pipeline, Calasetta/Carloforte |
NUOVA DARSENA SPA / Napoli Italy | New piers Naples Port |
OIL INDIA Ltd / India | Equipment for cathodic protection systems |
OLIVETTI SpA/ Milano, Italy | Gas and water networks Ivrea |
PAC – CARLO TASSARA | Penstock Ø 1400 Grigna stream |
PAKSAUDI TERTILIZER Ltd / Pakistan | Equipment for cathodic protection systems |
PIANIMPIANTI / Milano, Italy | Water network, Kinshasa - Zaire |
PIEMONTEGAS spa/ Revigliasco, Italy | GPL storage tanks |
PIOVAN / Saccolongo, Italy | Fire fighting, Altichiero |
POLIMERI EUROPA-VERSALIS / S.Donato Milanese, Italy | Ethylene pipeline, Gela-Ragusa Ethylene pipeline, Priolo-Ragusa Sea wharf, Priolo |
PORTO SAN GIORGIO, Italy | City gas pipeline |
PROFED / Monza, Italy | Water and gas factory network, Bellusco |
RECCHI ASTALDI / Torino, Italy | City water network, Nairobi - Kenya |
RENAULT ITALIA / Roma, Italy | Water and gas factory network , S. Colombano |
RHEMES NOTRE DAME CITY, Italy | Snowmaking system |
S I I / Milano, Italy | Power Plant Azzawiya / Libya |
S.G.I. Società Gasdotti Italia / Frosinone, Italy | Pipeline revamping, Casauria Power Plant revamping, Garaguso Pipeline revamping, Masseria Monaco Pipelines remote control system Pipeline Larino-Termoli Pipeline Sora-Fibreno Pipeline 12" Reggente-Chieuti Pipeline Collalto, Pederobba Pipeline Cellino-Bussi Pipeline Larino Colleferro, Palata - Termoli Pipeline revamping, Avezzano Pipeline Larino-Colleferro Pipeline revamping, Cirò Pipeline Cellino-Teramo Pipeline revamping, Pineto Pipeline revamping, Poggio Cono Pipeline revamping, Poggio San Vittorino Pipeline Busso-Paliano area 1-2-3 Pipeline 4" Comiso-Ragusa Pipeline Larino-Chieuti-Reggente area 1-2 |
SADELMI COGEPI / Milano, Italy | Themoelectric Power Plant Tabouk – Saudi Arabia |
SAIPEM / S. Donato Milanese, Italy | Oil pipelines - Nigeria |
SARPOM / Trecate, Italy | Oil pipeline, Quiliano / Trecate Oil pipeline, Chivasso/Trecate Oil pipeline, Chivasso / Turbigo Oil pipeline, Vado Ligure |
SECIP / Roma, Italy | Fuel Storage tanks, Alghero |
SELM / Pescara, Italy | Production wells and pipelines |
SELMERS / Netherland | Equipment for cathodic protection systems |
SERGAZ / Tunisie | Equipment for cathodic protection systems |
SETEC / Siracusa, Italy | Various pipelines - Congo |
SEW EURODRIVE Sas/ Milano, Italy | Factory fire fighting |
SEZAI TURKES FEYZY AKKAYA / Turkey | Equipment for cathodic protection systems |
SICIM Spa / Busseto, Italy | Transformer / Rectifier for cathodic protection systems |
SIMED / Casavatore, Italy | City water pipeline, Battipaglia City water pipeline, Casavatore City water pipeline, Crispano City water pipeline, Arzano |
SINCO COOP. / Parma, Italy | Fuel oil tanks depot, Piacenza airport City water network, Baraggia Vercellese |
SMIG / Gaeta, Italy | Fuel oil tanks depot - Istrana (TV) |
SNAM PROGETTI Spa | Transformer / Rectifier for cathodic protection systems |
SNAM Spa | Transformer / Rectifier for cathodic protection systems |
SOCIETA' ITALIANA PER IL GAS | Transformer / Rectifier for cathodic protection systems |
SOCIETA’ ADRIATICA PER IL GAS / Padova, Italy | City gas pipelines (various municipalities) |
SOCIETA’ IDROELETTRICA FALZAREGO/ Cortina d’Ampezzo, Italy | Penstock Ø 600mm, Passo Falzarego |
SOCO-RIL / Buenos Aires, Argentina | Equipment for cathodic protection systems |
SOL / Salerno, Italy | Hydrogen pipeline |
SONATRACH/ Algeria | Skikda refinery plant Oved isser – Hassi R’Mel pipeline Skikda pipelile |
SONDEL / Sesto S. Giovanni, italy | FALK foundries gas networks |
STROYTRANSGAZ / Moscow, Russian Federation | Arab Gas Pipeline Project Syria – Phase 1 |
STYRON/Livorno, Italy | Styrol pipeline |
SUI NORTHERN GAS Ltd / Karachi, Pakistan | Equipment for cathodic protection systems |
SUI NORTHERN GAS PIPELINES Ltd / Karachi, Pakistan | Equipment for cathodic protection systems |
SYRIAN COMPANY FOR OIL TRANSP / Syria | Equipment for cathodic protection systems |
T.T.R. IMPIANTI / Sesto San Giovanni, Italy | Powerplant, Trezzo d’Adda |
TECHINT / Milano, Italy | Tanks farm ENICHEM, Porto Torres Tanks farm ENICHEM, Ravenna |
TECHMACH UKRAINE / Ukraine | Equipment for cathodic protection systems |
TECHNIPETROL Spa / Rome, Italy | Equipment for cathodic protection systems |
TECHNOALPIN /Bolzano, Italy | Snowmaking system, San Sicario – Cesana Torinese |
TECNIMONT / Milano, Italy | PP plant Bandar Iman - Iran Tanks farm Al Jubail – Saudi Arabia PP/HDPE plant Plock - Polland PE plant Bandar Asaluye -Iran PP plant Bandar Asaluye - Iran PP plant Marun - Iran PP plant Yambu – Saudi Arabia HDPE plant - Tasnee – Al Jubail - Saudi Arabia HDPE plant Munnchsmunster - Germany Thermoelectric Power Plant, Porto do Pecem – Brazil Thermoelectric Power Plant, Bocamina - Chile Thermoelectric Power Plant, Porto do Itaqui – Brazil Tanks ISOLA 28 – Polimeri Europa Ravenna Tempa Rossa Power Plant Urea plant 8 Sluiskil - Netherland |
TECNOMATIC / Ancona, Italy | City water network, Valcuba |
THIENE CITY, Italy | City gas network |
TOZZI SUD Spa / Foggia, Italy | Equipment for Stogit Gas Power Plant |
TRE PI / Roma, Italy | Fuel Storage farms - Thailand |
VALGAS / Vestone, Italy | Gas pipelines, Valli Giudicarie |
VALVITALIA Spa / Padova, Italy | Transformer / Rectifier for cathodic protection systems |
VELCO / Viterbo, Italy | City water networks |
VILLAFRANCA TIRRENA, Italy | City gas network |
VIPITENO CITY , Italy | Hydroelectric power plant, Lurx |
WASCO / Dubai | Holiday Detectors |
YARA / Terni, Italy | Factory Plant |